Equine Performance and Rehabilitation Center  I  Veterinary Medical Center

Equine Performance and Rehabilitation Center  I  Veterinary Medical Center

Equine Performance and Rehabilitation Center  I  Veterinary Medical Center

Equine Performance and Rehabilitation Center  I  Veterinary Medical Center

Case Study

Patient: Ravella, a Dutch Warmblood sport horse
Owner: Ann Jonkman
Rider: Natalya Slipchenko
Critical team member: Dr. Sarah le Jeune
Ravella’s issue: multiple lameness-causing injuries


Ravella, an 11-year-old Dutch Warmblood mare and dressage athlete competing at the highest national level, began showing signs of lameness beginning in 2020.

The UC Davis veterinary hospital’s Field Service and Large Animal Ultrasound Service collaborated to provide initial treatments for inflammation. When issues persisted, the treatment team brought in Dr. Sarah le Jeune of the Equine Integrative Sports Medicine Service to provide further assessment.


An MRI showed a marked coffin joint injury, and Dr. le Jeune prescribed a series of Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist Protein (IRAP) injections, an advanced anti-inflammatory treatment for joint disease in horses. Monthly shoeing and trimming cycles with a farrier as well as chiropractic and acupuncture procedures were integrated into the treatments.

Ravella responded and is back to competing after a nearly two-year journey to health. She even elevated to the international competition level, successfully debuting at the Prix St. Georges level. Rider Natalya Slipchenko, who also coaches the UC Davis Dressage Team, says she has never felt Ravella so happy and relaxed in her work, which is reflected in her competitive success.

Read more about Ravella’s case

Equine Performance and Rehabilitation Center

As part of the Veterinary Medical Center project, UC Davis will construct the Equine Performance and Rehabilitation Center where more sport horses like Ravella will receive expert care by a multitude of board-certified equine specialists, including those in sports medicine. The facility's exciting design includes state-of-the-art equipment not available in many veterinary settings and opens a new avenue to improved performance through the application of clinical research.

Veterinary Medical Center

UC Davis is in the midst of the largest fundraising campaign undertaken by a veterinary school, to build the world’s premier veterinary medical center. With more than $100 million of the $500 million needed raised, construction for the first stage has already begun.

The center features five primary areas: the All Species Imaging Center, the Small Animal Hospital, the Equine Performance and Rehabilitation Center, the Equine Surgery and Critical Care Center, and the Livestock and Field Service Center.

When complete, the Veterinary Medical Center will be a place of healing, innovation and discovery that advances all of veterinary medicine.

For more information, please contact the Office of Development, at (530) 752-7024.