Contact Information

Campus Map

1 Garrod Dr.
Davis, CA 95616
(530) 752-1393

Vet Med Map

Visit Full Campus Map


From the Redding Area:

Take Interstate 5 towards Sacramento. At Woodland, take Highway 113 south towards Davis. Take the Hutchison Drive (UC Davis) exit and turn left at the stop sign.
See below for specific clinic directions.  

From The Sacramento Area:

Take Interstate 80 west towards San Francisco. Proceed past the Davis exits and take Highway 113 north towards Woodland. Take the Hutchison Drive (UC Davis) exit. Turn right onto Hutchinson Drive.
See below for specific clinic directions.  

From the San Francisco Bay Area:

Take Interstate 80 east towards Sacramento. Just prior to Davis, take Highway 113 north towards Woodland. Take the Hutchison Drive (UC Davis) exit. Turn right onto Hutchison Drive.
See below for specific clinic directions. 

Large Animal Clinic

Turn right at the 1st stoplight onto Health Sciences Drive, then make another immediate right onto West Health Sciences Drive. Proceed on West Health Sciences Drive until the stop sign. Turn left onto Garrod Drive and proceed straight into the Large Animal Clinic parking lot, Lot 51.
Trailer parking is on the right and passenger parking is on the left. Parking is free in designated "Client Parking" spaces - this requires registering at the reception area of your appointment with your license plate number.

Small Animal Clinic

Turn right at the 2nd stoplight onto LaRue Road, then right onto Garrod Drive and proceed into either Lot 50 (for Reception A) or Lot 55 (Reception B).
Parking is free in designated "Client Parking" spaces - this requires registering at the reception area of your appointment with your license plate number.

Note: Client parking cannot accommodate vehicles that require more space than a passenger car. Campus regulations prohibit overnight client parking.

School of Veterinary Medicine

William R. Pritchard Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital
(530) 752-1393

Emergency services available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year



California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory

(530) 752-8700

Career, Leadership and Wellness Center

Office of Development
(530) 752-7024

Graduate Education
(530) 752-6612

Professional Continuing Education
(530) 752-3905

Veterinary Medicine Extension
(530) 752-1358

Information Technology

SVM Students, Staff, and Faculty can visit the Computing page in VIPER for contact information.

General Information
(530) 752-1360
University of California, Davis
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616

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