Application Process & Timeline
UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine removes GRE as part of admission requirements. Learn more! Due to the removal of the GRE, the School has adapted a NEW selection process. Please review the new process under the Before You Apply, How to Apply, and How Applications Are Evaluated sections.
Before You Apply
Review the minimum admissions requirements to ensure you’re eligible to apply. We also encourage you to review the comprehensive application checklist and instructions provided here before beginning the application process.
- Review Prerequisite Requirements
- Students may apply once they have completed 75% of the required prerequisites. Approximately three can be outstanding at the time of application and all must be completed in the spring semester/quarter prior to matriculation. Specific course requirements are outlined in Academic Preparation & Prerequisites Courses.
- GRE - No Longer a requirement
- The GRE is no longer required and has been dropped as an admission requirement as of November 2022, following a senate faculty vote. Submission of GRE scores will not be looked at nor considered as part of the admissions review process.
- Determine How Competitive Your Application May Be
- All applications are initially evaluated in three areas:
1. Two GPAs: 1) the most recent 45 semester/68 quarter hours and 2) all science courses (see what counts as a science course here on the VMCAS website)
2. Composite score from three electronic letters of recommendation (eLors)
3. Distance Traveled Score
By reviewing the most recent Admissions Statistics, you can determine how competitive your application may be. With our recent change in the admissions selection process, stats may look different for future cycles. Note: The average scores are higher for non-CA resident applicants as there are fewer interview spots available to non-CA residents.
How to Apply
The Veterinary Medical Application Service (VMCAS) is the centralized application service for Colleges of Veterinary Medicine. Through VMCAS you can complete one application and send all your required materials through this service. Your application is then processed, verified for accuracy, and sent to the veterinary medical schools you designate.
- Step 1: VMCAS Application
Applicants must apply through the central application system VMCAS. Paper applications are not available. All application materials, including GRE scores, academic transcripts, and letters of recommendation, MUST be submitted through the VMCAS system. Any of the above application materials sent directly to UC Davis cannot be attached to applications or returned to applicants.
January 22 May 8 September 15 VMCAS application opens Veterinary programs will become available for students to select Application must be submitted by 8:59 pm (PST) VMCAS can accept transcripts and score reports Applications can be submitted All other application materials (eLors, transcripts, etc.) must be submitted to VMCAS. No late documents are accepted. - Step 2: Transcripts to VMCAS
Order official transcripts from all institutions you have attended and have them sent directly to VMCAS. Review sending official transcripts to VMCAS for detailed instructions on all US, international, and study abroad transcripts.VMCAS must receive all transcripts by the September 15 deadline. Late transcripts will not be received. Any transcripts accidentally sent to UC Davis CANNOT be added or attached to applications. Applications missing transcripts by the deadline will not be considered for admission. No exceptions will be made, so please plan accordingly.
- Step 3: Submit & Monitor VMCAS
All submitted applications need to be verified by VMCAS, which can take up to two weeks. By submitting all of your transcripts BEFORE the deadline (September 15, 2025), you will greatly improve your chance of having your application verified early with time to make corrections if needed. Review Submitting and Monitoring Your VMCAS Application for more details.
Note: Applications that reach the “verified” status may still be incomplete if other materials such as eLors are missing. If your verified application is missing any application materials after the September 15 deadline, it will not be considered for admission, even if you have submitted a supplemental application.
- Step 4: UC Davis Supplemental Application
Around mid-August, we begin to import verified applications from VMCAS to the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine Applicant Portal. Applicants are notified via email when their VMCAS application has been added.
Once imported, applicants will be sent an email with instructions to set up their Applicant Portal, complete the secondary application, and pay the $100 processing fee. The secondary application includes a personal statement (2,000 character limit) and the selection of which three eLOR's you want us to consider for your application. The UCD supplemental application is due October 15.
Note: We do not begin to upload verified applications until mid-August, even if your application has been verified before this time. We will continue to import verified applications one to two times a week until the October 15 supplemental application deadline. It can be up to a week to be emailed the supplemental application instructions.
*The School does not operate on a rolling admissions process, therefore applications submitted early will not have an advantage for interview selection.
How Applications Are Evaluated
Once supplemental applications are submitted, they are reviewed to ensure they are a) complete and b) eligible. Any applications missing application materials or not meeting eligibility criteria (i.e. GPA minimum, veterinary experience hours, one eLor from a vet) will not be considered for admission.
- Step 1: Initial Ranking
- All complete and eligible applications are ranked based on three criteria; 1) two GPAs (the most recent 45 semester/68 quarter hours and all science courses), 2) the combined composite scores from the three eLors selected, and 3) distance traveled score.
What is the distance traveled score? The distance traveled score takes into account an applicants background and lived experiences. Factors considered may be based on economic, environmental, or educational experiences. Everyone applying receives a distance traveled score greater than zero. There is nothing an applicant can do to increase this score, as your application is reviewed for factors that compose your score. For further details on factors considered, please review the attributes and competencies section. - Step 2: Top 240 Invited for Interviews
The top 240 applicants (approximately 200 CA residents/40 non-residents) are invited to interview virtually in early December through Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs). MMIs are short, structured interviews used to assess personal traits/qualities. More details on the process can be found in our FAQs or Criteria for Admission section.
The 2025 MMI dates are December 4, 5, 8 & 9. Candidates select one of the four interview days lasting approximately 100 minutes. Admitted Student Day will be held in early spring at the School of Veterinary Medicine campus for students to network, tour the facilities, meet staff and faculty, and learn more about financial aid, curriculum, and other resources.
- Step 3: Holistic Review
- Applications of the 240 interviewees will undergo a holistic review prior to interview notices being sent. All components of the application will be considered including personal statement, principles of community essay, letters of reference, explanation statement, veterinary experience, and other experience as listed in their application.
- Step 4: Admissions Decisions
At the conclusion of the MMI interview process, all applicants will be re-ranked based on 1) a percentage of their MMI scores, 2) a percentage of their science GPA, most recent 45 semester/68 quarter unit GPA, and composite eLOR score as well as 3) a percentage of their distance traveled score. The Admissions Committee meets to discuss MMI and holistic review results. An initial ranked list of the top candidates based on anticipated class size (offer admission and waitlisted) will be discussed with the Dean. Approximately 150 students are offered admission and an additional 40-45 are offered a spot on the waitlist. Admission will be offered to applicants based on their post MMI rank position. Waitlist order will be the next 40-45 in rank order based on the same criteria as those who are offered initial admission into the program.
Accept, deny, and waitlist notices will be posted to Applicant Portals by the end of January.- Attributes and Competencies Considered
We take into account each applicants life experiences. Some of these factors may include social identities, income, occupation, education, social capital, community, culture, and other factors. These factors are taken into consideration and are thought to lend to traits we consider to be essential as part of the veterinary profession. When considering the Distance Traveled score and throughout the admission review process, the committee considers the following to be important in the selection of successful candidates in the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program:
•Resilience•Cultural awareness•Adaptability•Self-reflection•Growth mindset•Ability to communicate•Emotional intelligence•Critical thinking•Interest and understanding of the veterinary medicine profession
VMCAS Contact Information
Phone: (617) 612-2884
Fax: (617) 612-2051
Mailing address (for transcripts only): P.O. Box 9126 Watertown, MA 02471
Virtual Info Session - Admissions Process

A video detailing our NEW admissions process and criteria is now available.
Please view our pre-recorded Fall 2024 information session HERE where the admissions team highlights the requirements, selection process, interview format and more!