: Afecções da lente (diseases of the lens), , Oftalmologia Clínica e Cirúrgica em Cães e Gatos, . .
Black LJ, Martins BC, Plummer CE, Abbott JR, Leissinger MK
What is your Diagnosis? Eyelid mass in a dog
Martins BC, Plummer CE, Gelatt KN, Brooks DE, Czerwinski S, Monk C, Greenberg SM, Mangan BG, Londono L, Bolfer L, Bandt C, Shaer M
Ophthalmic abnormalities secondary to periocular and ocular snakebites (pit vipers) in dogs–11 cases (2012-2014)
Padua IRM, Ribeiro AP, Padua PPM, Guimarães PJ, Silva ML, Piso DYT, Martins BC, Aldrovani M, Semolin LMS, Camacho AA, Laus JL
Effects of timolol maleate, levobunolol and apraclonidine on intraocular pressure, pupil size, blood pressure and heart rate in beagles
Nagatsuyu CE, Abreu PB, Kobashigawa KK, Conceição LF, Morales A, Andrade AL, Padua IRM, Martins BC, Laus JL
Non-contact specular microscopy in aphakic and psuedophakic dogs
Ribeiro AP, Crivelaro RM, Teixeira PPM, Trujillo DY, Guimarães PJ, Vicente WRR, Martins BC, Laus JL
Effects of different mydriatics on intraocular pressure, pupil diameter, and ruminal and intestinal motility in healthy sheep
Piso DYT, Ribeiro AP, Silva ML, Guimaraes PJ, Morales A., Martins BC, Padua IM, Renzo R, Andrade A, Uscategui R, Laus JL
Effects of antiproteolytic agents on corneal epithelial viability and matrix metalloproteinase-2 and metalloproteinase-9 activity in alkali-burned corneas of rats
Ramirez RA, Martins BC, Moro JV, Belmonte EA, Pereira DA, Nunes N
Efectos cardiorespiratorios y requerimientos de isofluorano en conejos sometidos a cirugía oftalmológica tratados con tramadol pre, intra y postoperatorio
Kobashigawa KK, Martins BC, Massoli MCB, Ishizawa TH, Schocken-Iturrino RP, Brooks DE, Laus JL
Microbiological profile of donor corneas stored for tectonic transplantation purposes in rabbits
Martins BC, Brooks DE, Plummer CE, Samuelson DA, Mangan BG, Laus JL
Light microscopic evaluation and scanning electron microscopic analysis of horse eyes following deep anterior lamellar keratectomy
Lisbão CBS, Correa MA, Ortiz JPD, Martins BC, Laus JL
Effects of the Ottonia martiana Miq. (Piperaceae) extract on dog’s ocular surface