Brenda Mccowan

Brenda Mccowan


Population Health & Reproduction

4205 VM3B, Davis, CA 95616

1985, BS, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY,
1994, PhD, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA,
Active Research Grants
Principal Investigator, Determining the dynamic influence of social networks on development and health trajectories, (Principal Investigator), National Institutes of Health
Principal Investigator, Behavioral Management of Deleterious Aggression in Rhesus Macaques, (Principal Investigator), National Institutes of Health
Co-Principal Investigator, Improving stability and reproduction in rhesus colonies by manipulating sex ratio, Mollie Bloomsmith (Principal Investigator), National Institutes of Health
Co-Investigator, Reducing occupational exposure to zoonotic pathogens in California dairy farm workers , Edward R. Atwill (Principal Investigator), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Co-Principal Investigator, Quantifying and interacting with their global intelligence, Laurance Doyle (Principal Investigator), Templeton Foundation, Diversity of Intelligence Program
Co-Principal Investigator, Humpback whales: Quantifying Empathy, Laurance Doyle (Principal Investigator), Templeton Foundation, Diversity of Intelligence Program
Honors and Awards
1985 Honors Program Graduate, Cornell University
1992 Award of Teaching Excellence, Harvard University
Most Recent Five Book Chapters
2017 Baker K, Bloomsmith M, Coleman K, Crockett C, Fahey M, Lutz C, McCowan B, Pierre P, Weed J, Worlien J: The behavioral management consortium: A partnership for promoting consensus and best practices, Shaprio, S., (ed), Handbook of Primate Behavior Management, New York. .
2017 McCowan B, Beisner BA: Utility of systems network analysis for understanding complexity in primate behavioral management, Shaprio, S., (ed), Handbook of Primate Behavior Management, New York. .
2016 Ferrer-i-Cancho R, McCowan B, Lusseau, D: Parallels of human language in the behavior of dolphins, , Neurons and Cognition (q-bio.NC); Computation and Language (cs.CL). arXiv:1605.01661 [q-bio.NC]., . .
2015 Beisner BA, McCowan B: Chapter 11: Social networks and animal welfare, Krause J, James R, Franks DW, Croft DP, (ed), Animal Social Networks, Oxford. 111-22.
2009 Ferrer-i-Cancho R, McCowan B: A law of word meaning in dolphin whistle types, , Entropy, . 688-701.
Research Focus
Animal health, management and well-being; Wildlife conservation; Bioacoustics; Ethology
Specialty Focus
Social networks and health