Christine Kreuder Johnson
Medicine & Epidemiology
Evans TS, Tan CW, Aung O, Phyu S, Lin H, Coffey LL, Toe AT, Aung P, Aung TH, Aung NT, Weiss CM, Thant KZ, Htun ZT, Murray S, Wang LF, Johnson CK^, Thu HM
Exposure to diverse sarbecoviruses indicates frequent zoonotic spillover in human communities interacting with wildlife
Latinne A, Nga NTT, Long NV, Ngoc PTB, Thuy HB, PREDICT Consortium, Long NV, Long PT, Phuong NT, Quang LTV, Tung N, Nam VS, Duoc VT, Thinh ND, Schoepp R, Ricks K, Inui K, Padungtod P, Johnson CK, Mazet JAK, Walzer C, Olson SH, Fine AE
One Health Surveillance Highlights Circulation of Viruses with Zoonotic Potential in Bats, Pigs, and Humans in Viet Nam
Barkhasbaatar A, Gilbert M, Fine AE, Shiilegdamba E, Damdinjav B, Buuveibaatar B, Khishgee B, Johnson CK, Leung CYH, Ankhanbaatar U, Purevtseren D, Tuttle JM, Mazet JAK, Peiris JSM, Jambal L, Shatar M, Sukhbaatar T, Olson SH
Ecological characterization of 175 low-pathogenicity avian influenza viruses isolated from wild birds in Mongolia, 2009-2013 and 2016-2018
Napit R, Manandhar P, Poudel A, Rajbhandari PG, Watson S, Shakya S, Pradhan SM, Sharma AN, Chaudhary A, Johnson CK, Mazet JK, Karmacharya D
Novel strains of Campylobacter cause diarrheal outbreak in Rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) of Kathmandu Valley
Smiley Evans T, Lowenstine LJ, Ssebide B, Barry PA, Kinani JF, Nizeyimana F, Noheli JB, Okello R, Mudakikwa A, Cranfield MR, Mazet JAK, Johnson CK, Gilardi KV
Simian homologues of human herpesviruses and implications for novel viral introduction to free-living mountain gorillas
Leguia M, Garcia-Glaessner A, Muñoz-Saavedra B, Juarez D, Barrera P, Calvo-Mac C, Jara J, Silva W, Ploog K, Amaro L, Colchao-Claux P, Johnson CK, Uhart MM, Nelson MI, Lescano J
Highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) in marine mammals and seabirds in Peru
Napit R, Manandhar P, Chaudhary A, Shrestha B, Poudel A, Raut R, Pradhan S, Raut S, Rajbhandari PG, Gurung A, Rajbhandari RM, Dixit SM, Schwind JS, Johnson CK, Mazet JK, Karmacharya DB
Rapid genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in a dense urban community of Kathmandu Valley using sewage samples
Carter NH, Miller MA, Moriarty ME, Tinker MT, Gagne RB, Johnson CK, Murray MJ, Staedler MM, Bangoura B, Larson S, Ernest HB
Investigating Relationships Between Genetics and Causes of Mortality in Southern Sea Otters (Enhydra lutris nereis)
Sanchez JN, Munk BA, Colby J, Torres SG, Gonzales BJ, DeForge JR, Byard AJ, Konde L, Shirkey NJ, Pandit PS, Botta RA, Roug A, Ziccardi MH, Johnson CK^
Pathogen surveillance and epidemiology in endangered peninsular bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni)
Sanchez JN, Reyes GA, Martínez-López B, Johnson CK^
Impact of social distancing on early SARS-CoV-2 transmission in the United States