Fosgate GT, Adesiyun AA, Hird DW, Johnson WO, Hietala SK, Schurig GG, Ryan J, Diptee MD
Evaluation of brucellosis RB51 vaccine for domestic water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in Trinidad
Fosgate GT, Adesiyun AA, Hird DW, Johnson WO, Hietala SK, Schurig GG, Ryan J
Estimation of receiver-operating characteristic curves to determine accuracy of a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the serodiagnosis of Brucella infection in domestic water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) and cattle
Fosgate GT, Adesiyun AA, Hird DW, Johnson WO, Hietala SK, Schurig GG, Ryan J
Comparison of serologic tests for detection of Brucella infections in cattle and water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
Tharratt RS, Case JT, Hird DW
Perceptions of state public health officers and state veterinarians regarding risks of bioterrorism in the United States
Fosgate GT, Adesiyun AA, Hird DW, Hietala SK, Ryan J
Isolation of Brucella abortus biovar 1 from cattle and water buffaloes on Trinidad
Fosgate GT, Hird DW, Read DH, Walker RL
Risk factors for Clostridium piliforme infection in foals
Charlton K, Hird DW, Spiegel LK
Trace metal concentrations in San Joaquin kit foxes from the Southern San Joaquin Valley of California
Muñoz-Zanzi CA, Thurmond MC, Hird DW, Lerche NW
Effect of weaning time and associated management practices on postweaning chronic diarrhea in captive rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta)
Daft B, Barr B, Ardans A, Read D, Bell W, Hird DW, St. Leger J, Cornish C, Kinde H, Johnson B, Woods L, Anderson M, Hietala S, Adaska J, Hurley J
Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis: A comparison of Western blot results for serum and cerebral spinal fluid with postmortem findings in normal and neurologic horses
Arzt J, Rodriguez-Lainz A, Hird DW, Read DH, Guarda G
Prevelance and risk factors for papillomatous digital dermatitis among dairy cattle herds in Region X, Chile