Dennis Wilson
Professor Emeritus
Pathology, Microbiology & Immunology
Wilson DW, Oslund KL, Lyons B, Foreman O, Burzenski L, Svenson KL, Chase TH, Shultz LD
Inflammatory dilated cardiomyopathy in Abcg5-deficient mice.
Aung HH, Lame MW, Gohil K, An CI, Wilson DW, Rutledge JC
Induction of ATF3 gene network by triglyceride-rich lipoprotein lipolysis products increases vascular apoptosis and inflammation.
Tablin F, den Hartigh LJ, Aung HH, Lame MW, Kleeman MJ, Ham W, Norris JW, Pombo M, Wilson DW
Seasonal influences on CAPs exposures: differential responses in platelet activation, serum cytokines and xenobiotic gene expression.
Aung HH, Lame MW, Gohil K, He G, Denison MS, Rutledge JC, Wilson DW
Comparative gene responses to collected ambient particles in vitro: endothelial responses
Wong LSN, Aung HH, Lamé MW, Wegesser TC, Wilson DW
Fine particulate matter from urban ambient and wildfire sources from California's San Joaquin Valley initiate differential inflammatory, oxidative stress, and xenobiotic responses in human bronchial epithelial cells
Wilson DW, Aung HH, Lame MW, Plummer L, Pinkerton KE, Ham W, Kleeman M, Norris JW, Tablin F
Exposure of mice to concentrated ambient particulate matter results in platelet and systemic cytokine activation
Rutledge JC, Ng KF, Aung HH, Wilson DW
Role of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins in diabetic nephropathy
Wong LSN, Lamé MW, Jones AD, Wilson DW
Differential cellular responses to protein adducts of naphthoquinone and monocrotaline pyrrole
den Hartigh LJ, Lamé MW, Ham W, Kleeman MJ, Tablin F, Wilson DW
Endotoxin and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient fine particulate matter from Fresno, California initiate human monocyte inflammatory responses mediated by reactive oxygen species
Rodriguez CO, Crabbs TA, Wilson DW, Cannan VA, Skorupski KA, Gordon N, Koshkina N, Kleinerman E, Anderson PM
Aerosol gemcitabine: preclinical safety and in vivo antitumor activity in osteosarcoma-bearing dogs