Willis AT, Dahlgren AR, Woolard KD, Ghosh S, Donnelly CG, de la Concha-Bermejillo A, Pacheco A, Watson KD, Berryhill E, Aleman M, Wensley F, Humphreys S, Whitehead AE, Goldsmith D, Chesen B, Ragsdale J, Tompkins JE, Nash R, Plunkett AH, Qualls HJ, Rodriguez K, Hochanadel D, Miller AD, Finno CJ
Clinicopathological and pedigree investigation of a novel spinocerebellar neurological disease in juvenile Quarter Horses in North America
Aleman M, Vedavally U, Pusterla N, Wensley F, Berryhill E, Madigan JE
Common and atypical presentations of Anaplasma phagocytophilum infection in equids with emphasis on neurologic and muscle disease
Wensley FM, Berryhill EH, Magdesian KG
Association of globulin concentrations with prognosis in horses with lymphoma
Louie EW, Berryhill EH, Nieto J, Wensley F, Knych HK, Finno CJ, Morgan J
Changes in heart rate and heart rate variability with induction of gastric ulcers in adult horses
Williams Louie E, Nieto J, Wensley F, Morgan JM, Finno CJ, Berryhill EH^
Efficacy of the oral supplement, Equine Omega Complete, for the prevention of gastric ulcers and alpha-tocopherol supplementation in horses
Geller M, Slater R, Graham-Williams E, Wolf T, Spriet M, Berryhill E, Skipper L, Aleman M
Imaging of equine septic discospondylitis using MRI, CT, and post-mortem radiographs
Berryhill E, Urbina N, Marton S, Vernau W, Alonso F
Validation and method comparison for a point-of-care lateral flow assay measuring equine whole blood insulin concentrations
Humphreys S, Kass PK, Magdesian KG, Goodrich E, Berryhill EH^
Seasonal variation of endogenous adrenocorticotropic hormone concentrations in healthy non-geriatric donkeys in Northern California
Edwards L, Kaplan J, Oldach M, Magdesian KG, Williams Louie E, Stern J, Berryhill EH
Closure of a patent ductus arteriosus in a 2-week-old llama cria using an Amplatz canine duct occluder
Aleman M, Berryhill E, Woolard K, Easton-Jones C, Kozikowski-Nicholas T, Dyson S, Kilcoyne I
Sidewinder gait in horses