Research Profile
Diplomate American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine
California Veterinary Medical License
USDA Accreditation
1974, BS, Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, Illinois
1983, DVM, University of Illinois, School of Veterinary Medicine, Urbana, Illinois
1985, Resident, University of California-Davis, California Regional Primate Research Center, Davis, CA
Active Research Grants
Principal Investigator, Production of Pedigreed SPF Rhesus Macaques, (Principal Investigator), NIH
Principal Investigator, VA Gordon Mansfield Spinal Cord Injury Consortium NHP Contract, (Principal Investigator), Veterans Administration
Principal Investigator, CHNF partnership with Dept. of Veteran's Affairs Gordon Mansfield Spinal Cord Injury Consortium's work with the University of California, Davis, (Principal Investigator), Neilsen Foundation
Other, Embruonic stem cell therapy after cervical contusion SCI in NHPs, Bresnahan (Principal Investigator), NIH
Other, Non-human primate models of cone disorders and other heritable retinal diseases, Rogers (Principal Investigator), NIH
Other, 3D Printed Scaffolds for Primate Spinal Cord Injury, Tuszynski (Principal Investigator), NIH
Other, California National Primate Research Center Base Grant, Lewin (Principal Investigator), NIH/ORIP
Honors and Awards
2014 Nicholas Lerche award for “Contributions in Development and Conduct of NHP Research
Most Recent Five Book Chapters
2006 Capitanio JP, Mason WA, Mendoza SP, DelRosso L, Roberts JA: Nursery rearing and biobehavioral organization, , Nursery rearing of nonhuman primates in the 21st century, . .
2002 Roberts J: The aged rhesus macaque in neuroscience research: Importance of the nonhuman primate model, Erwin JM, Hof PR, (ed), Aging in Nonhuman Primates, Interdispl Top Gerentol, Basel. .
1998 Ford EW, Roberts JA, Southers JL: Urogenital System, Bennet BT, Abee CR, Henrickson R, (ed), Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research, San Diego. 311-361.
1992 Roberts JA: Quarantine, Fowler ME, (ed), Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine, Orlando, Florida. .
1990 Roberts JA, Short J, Cello S: Development of a Herpes Simiae and Retrovirus Free Macac mulatta Breeding Colony: Progress Report, Akiyoshi Ehara et al, (ed), Primatology Today, . 679-682.
Research Focus
Infectious Diseases and Aging
Specialty Focus
Medical Primatology