John A Angelos

John A Angelos

Director and Department Chair and Professor and Agronomist

Medicine & Epidemiology

3127 Tupper Hall, Davis, CA 95616

Diplomate American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (Large Animal)
State Licensure - California
State Licensure - New York
2002, PhD, University of California, Davis
1992, DVM, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
1990, MS, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
1987, BS, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Active Research Grants
Principal Investigator, Improving pinkeye prevention and control with a novel Moraxella spp cytotoxin-enriched intranasal vaccine, (Principal Investigator), Rustici Rangeland and Cattle Research Endowment
Principal Investigator, Randomized controlled field trial to evaluate an experimental intranasal vaccine against bovine pinkeye, (Principal Investigator), USDA Formula Funds, UC Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine
Co-Investigator, Iodine supplementation to prevent infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (pinkeye) in beef cattle, Meera Heller (Principal Investigator), USDA NIFA Animal Health Formula Funds
Co-Principal Investigator, Evaluating factors affecting the perception and interest of California veterinary students in a future career in food animal practice, Gabriele Maier (Principal Investigator), USDA NIFA Hatch Funds
Honors and Awards
1987 Ho-Nun-De-Kah (Honor Society of College of Ag and Life Science) Cornell
1987 BS with Honors and Distinction
1987 Graduate Research Assistantship
1988 Dean's Incentive Award
1989 Dorothy Russell Havemeyer Summer Fellowship
1990 Geraldine R. Dodge Summer Fellowship
1990 Gamma Sigma Delta (Honor Society of Agriculture)
1990 1st Place Veterinary Student, Research Poster Day, NYSCVM
1991 Phi Zeta (Veterinary Honor Society)
1992 Merck Manual Award
1992 New York State Veterinary Medical Society Prize
1992 A. Gordon Danks Large Animal Surgery Award
1999-2000 UC Davis Graduate Fellowship
2009 Favorite Clinician Award
2021 UC Davis Disability Awareness Award - In honor of managers and supervisors on the Davis campus and at UC Davis Health who have demonstrated exemplary commitment and significant contributions and efforts in recruiting, hiring and retaining staff and faculty by providing effective reasonable accommodations. Recognition given jointly by Human Resources and Disability Management Services in collaboration with the Disability Issues Administrative Advisory Committee and the Office of Campus Community Relations.
Most Recent Five Book Chapters
2022 Angelos JA: Chapter 15, Moraxella, Prescott JF, MacInnes JI, Immerseel FV, Boyce JD, Rycroft AN, Vasquez-Boland JA, (ed), Pathogenesis of Bacterial Infections in Animals, 5th Edition, Hoboken. 344-360.
2020 Angelos JA: Infectious Keratoconjunctivitis in Animals (Pinkeye, Infectious Ophthalmia), , The Merck Veterinary Manual, 12th Ed (Online Edition), Whitehouse Station, NJ. .
2019 Angelos JA, Makhdoomi MM: Digital Dermatitis (Papillomatous Digital Dermatitis, Bovine Digital Dermatitis, Foot Warts, Heel Warts, Hairy Foot Warts, Hairy Heel Warts, Mortellaro's Disease, Strawberry Heel Warts, Verrucous Dermatitis), Smith MP, Van Metre, DC, Pusterla N, (ed), Large Animal Internal Medicine, Sixth Edition, St. Louis. 1325-1326.
2019 Angelos J: Bovine Lymphoma, Smith MP, Van Metre DC, Pusterla N, (ed), Large Animal Internal Medicine, Sixth Edition, St. Louis. 1180-1184.
2019 Angelos J: Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis (IBK), Smith MP, Van Metre DC, Pusterla N, (ed), Large Animal Internal Medicine, Sixth Edition, St. Louis. 1293-1296.
Research Focus
Pathogenesis and prevention of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK; "pinkeye"); Moraxella bovis and Moraxella bovoculi pathogenesis and development of novel vaccines to prevent IBK; recombinant protein expression/purification for use in novel vaccine formulations; pharmacokinetics of drugs in food animals; food animal internal medicine; infectious diseases of food animals; curriculum development, outreach, and training in One Health as it relates to food safety and security.
Specialty Focus
Livestock Medicine & Surgery
Ten Recent Publications

Kuibagarov M, Abdullina E, Ryskeldina A, Abdigulov B, Amirgazin A, Shevtsov A, Angelos JA
Association of different microbes and pathogenic factors in cases of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis in cattle from Eastern Kazakhstan

Kuibagarov M, Zhylkibayev A, Kamalova D, Ryskeldina A, Yerzhanova N, Ramankulov Y, Shevtsov A, Angelos J
Genetic Diversity of Pilin From Kazakh Isolates of Moraxella bovoculi

O'Connor AM, Angelos JA, Dennis EJ, Elizalde P, Kneipp M, Loy JD, Maier G
Future Directions for Research in Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis.