John A Angelos
Director and Department Chair and Professor and Agronomist
Medicine & Epidemiology
Kuibagarov M, Abdullina E, Ryskeldina A, Abdigulov B, Amirgazin A, Shevtsov A, Angelos JA
Association of different microbes and pathogenic factors in cases of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis in cattle from Eastern Kazakhstan
Angelos JA, Agulto RL, Mandzyuk B, Chigerwe M
Randomized controlled field trial to assess the efficacy of an intranasal Moraxella bovis cytotoxin vaccine against naturally occurring infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis
Kuibagarov M, Zhylkibayev A, Kamalova D, Ryskeldina A, Yerzhanova N, Ramankulov Y, Shevtsov A, Angelos J
Genetic Diversity of Pilin From Kazakh Isolates of Moraxella bovoculi
Angelos JA, Elizalde P, Griebel P
Bovine immune responses to Moraxella bovis and Moraxella bovoculi following vaccination and natural or experimental infections
Angelos JA, Clothier KA, Agulto RL, Mandzyuk B, Tryland M
Relatedness of type IV pilin (PilA) amongst geographically diverse Moraxella bovoculi isolated from cattle with infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK)
Maier GU, Davy JS, Forero LC, Bang H, Clothier K, Angelos JA
Effects of eye patches on corneal ulcer healing and weight gain in stocker steers on pasture: a randomized controlled trial.
O'Connor AM, Angelos JA, Dennis EJ, Elizalde P, Kneipp M, Loy JD, Maier G
Future Directions for Research in Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis.
Sheedy DB, Samah FE, Garzon A, Fausak E, Van Noord M, Angelos JA, Maier GU
Non-antimicrobial approaches for the prevention or treatment of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis in cattle applicable to cow-calf operations: A scoping review.
Chigerwe M, Depenbrock SM, Heller MC, King A, Clergue SA, Morris CM, Peyton JL, Angelos JA
Clinical management and outcomes for goats, sheep, and pigs hospitalized for treatment of burn injuries sustained in wildfires: 28 cases (2006, 2015, and 2018)
Smith JS, Marmulak TL, Angelos JA, Lin Z, Rowe JD, Carlson JL, Shelver WL, Lee EA, Tell LA
Pharmacokinetic Parameters and Estimated Milk Withdrawal Intervals for Domestic Goats (Capra Aegagrus Hircus) After Administration of Single and Multiple Intravenous and Subcutaneous Doses of Flunixin Meglumine