Johanna L Watson

Johanna L Watson

Associate Dean and Professor

Medicine & Epidemiology

3309 VM3A, Davis, CA 95616

State of California Veterinary License
Diplomate American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (Large Animal Internal Medicine)
Post Graduate Diploma in Veterinary Education
1994, PhD, University of California, Davis - Comparative Pathology Graduate Group, Davis, CA
1986, DVM, University of California, Davis - School of Veterinary Medicine, Davis, CA
1982, BS, William Smith College, Geneva, New York
Most Recent Five Book Chapters
2019 Watson JL: Pleuropneumonia, Lavoie JP, (ed), Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Equine, 3rd Edition, . 597.
2019 Watson JL: Lungworm – Parasitic bronchitis and pneumonia, Lavoie JP, (ed), Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Equine, 3rd Edition, . 462.
2014 Watson JL: Diseases of the hematopoietic and hemolymphatic systems, Chapter 37, Watson JL, (consulting ed); Smith BP, (ed), Large Animal Internal Medicine, 5th Edition, . 1044-83.
2008 Watson JL: Pleuropneumonia, Lavoie JP, Hinchcliff K, (ed), Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Equine, 2nd Edition, . 603.
2008 Watson JL: Lungworm – Parasitic bronchitis and pneumonia, Lavoie JP, Hinchcliff K, (ed), Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Equine, 2nd Edition, . 464-65.
Research Focus
  • Immunology and Infectious Disease in Horses
  • Veterinary Medical Education
Specialty Focus
Equine Medicine
Ten Recent Publications

Barr MC, Hines SA, Sprunger LK, Halsey RL, Watson JL, Mixter PF, Hendrickson DA, Schmidt PL, Chappell PE, Dowers KL, Clark T, Ilkiw JE
An Inter-Institutional Collaboration to "Make Teaching Matter": The Teaching Academy of the Consortium of West Region Colleges of Veterinary Medicine.

Hines SA, Barr MC, Suchman E, Fahie M, Hendrickson D, Chappell P, Watson JL, Mixter PF
An Inter-Institutional External Peer-Review Process to Evaluate Educators at Schools of Veterinary Medicine.

Smith FL, Watson JL, Spier SJ, Kilcoyne I, Mapes S, Sonder C, Pusterla N
Frequency of shedding of respiratory pathogens in horses recently imported to the United States.

Ilkiw JE, Nelson RW, Watson JL, Conley AJ, Raybould HE, Chigerwe M, Boudreaux K
Curricular Revision and Reform: The Process, What Was Important, and Lessons Learned

Harvey AM, Watson JL, Brault SA, Edman JM, Moore SM, Kass PH, Wilson WD
Duration of serum antibody response to rabies vaccination in horses

Kol A, Wood JA, Carrade Holt DD, Gillette JA, Bohannon-Worsley LK, Puchalski SM, Walker NJ, Clark KC, Watson JL, Borjesson DL
Multiple intravenous injections of allogeneic equine mesenchymal stem cells do not induce a systemic inflammatory response but do alter lymphocyte subsets in healthy horses

Kilcoyne I, Watson JL, Spier SJ, Whitcomb MB, Vaughan B
Septic sialoadenitis in equids: a retrospective study of 18 cases (1998-2010)