Research Profile
Veterinary Medical License, State of California
1990, BS, University of California, Davis,
1992, DVM, University of California, Davis,
1992, MPVM, University of California, Davis,
1996, PhD, University of California, Davis,
Active Research Grants
Principal Investigator, Emerging Pandemic Threats (EPT-2) Program PREDICT-2, (Principal Investigator), USAID
Co-Principal Investigator, One Health Workforce- Next Generation, W Smith (Principal Investigator), US Agency for International Development
Honors and Awards
1998 Outstanding Team Award for the development and implementation of the Oiled Wildlife Care Network
1999 Sustained Superior Accomplishment Award, California Dept of Fish and Game
2001 Appointed to the Governor of California's Oil Spill Technical Advisory Committee
2001 2000 Legacy Award States/British Columbia Oil Spill Task Force
2004 Resolution from the State of California in honor of making California the internationally recognized world leader in oiled wildlife response
2009 Paul Harris Fellow, Rotary International
2011 International Wildlife Disease Association and American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians Joint Tom Thorne and Beth Williams Memorial Award - Most significant contribution to the field of wildlife health
2012 Outstanding Alumna Award, University of California, Davis
2012 Oscar W. Schalm Lectureship, University of California, Davis - Recognition of outstanding contributions in wildlife disease and One Health
2013 Elected to the U.S. National Academy of Medicine (previously Institute of Medicine) -- One of the nation's highest honors in health and medicine
2014 James Thatcher Speaker, Marin Academy Conference on Democracy
2014 R.G. Thomson Lecturer, Atlantic Veterinary College, University of Prince Edward Island (Canada)
2015 Research!America Public Health Hero, 2015
2015 George C. Poppensiek Visiting Professor in Global Animal Health, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
2015 American Veterinary Epidemiology Society Honorary Diplomate
2015 Bortree Seminar Series Lecturer, Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
2016 Leiter Lecturer, National Library of Medicine (NIH) & National Medical Library Association Joint Honorific Lecture
2016 Schofield Medal, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph
2016 Zoetis Award for Veterinary Research Excellence
2017 Honorable Mention, Remarkable Women of UC, University of California, Office of the President
2017 Inaugural Hall-Sewankambo Mid-Career Global Health Award, Consortium of Universities for Global Health
2017 UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine Alumni Achievement Award
2017 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
2018 Holbrook Lecturer, Children's National Health System
2018 TEDMED Hive Innovator for Global Virome Project (TEDMED speaker)
2018 Shattuck Lecturer (one of a select few in a special symposium, including Bill Gates) invited by the New England Journal of Medicine and the Massachusetts Medical Society
2020 Global Aggie
2020 Remarkable Women of UC Davis
2021 UC Davis Chancellor’s Award for International Engagement
2021 2021 AVMA Global Veterinary Service Award
Most Recent Five Book Chapters
2019 Gilardi K, Mazet J: Chapter 19: The USAID Emerging Pandemic Threats PREDICT Project –Global Detection of Emerging Wildlife Viral Zoonoses, Miller E, Lamberski N, Calle P, (ed), Fowler’s Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri. 110-116.
2016 Mazet J, McDermott H, Goldstein T: Chapter 14: One Health in the Twenty-first Century, McNabb S, Conde J, Ferland L, Macwright W Okutani S, Park M, Ryland P, Shaikh A, Singh V, Conde M, (ed), Transforming Public Health Surveillance: Proactive Measures for Prevention, Detection, and Response, 1st Edition, . .
2012 Bogich TL, Olival KJ, Hosseini PR, Zambrana-Torrelio C, Loh E, Funk S, Brito IL, Epstein JH, JS, Joly DO, Levy MA, Jones KE, Morse SS, Aguirre AA, Karesh WB, Mazet JAK, Daszak P: Using mathematical models in a unified approach to predicting the next emerging infectious disease, Aguirre AA, Ostfeld R, Daszak P, (ed), New Directions in Conservation Medicine: Applied Cases of Ecological Health, New York, NY. .
2010 Mazet JAK, Johnson CK: Approaching health problems at the wildlife-domestic animal interface, Miller RE, Fowler ME, (ed), Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy, 7th ed., St. Louis, MI. 153-60.
2002 Mazet J: Overview: Managing for biodiversity, Rappaport D, Qualset C, Lasley W, Damania A, (ed), Managing for Healthy Ecosystems, Boca Raton, FL. 353.
Research Focus
The development and application of One Health methods for the advancement of global health problem solving, especially the understanding of emerging infectious diseases and the conservation of threatened species and ecosysytems. Research has focused on the emergences and impacts of zoonotic diseases and toxins at the animal-human-environment interface. Three major areas of emphasis: One Health risk assessments, emerging pathogen surveillance and diagnostics, and ecology of zoonotic diseases and their impact on wildlife conservation and public health.
Specialty Focus
Epidemiology, One Health, Pathogen Pollution, Marine and Coastal Conservation, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Land Use Change, Climate Variability, Wildlife Health