Kate Hopper

Kate Hopper


Surgical & Radiological Sciences

1104B Tupper Hall, Davis, CA 95616

Diplomate American College of Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care
1991, BVSc, University of Melbourne, Australia, 250 Princes Hwy, Werribee
1999, MVS, University of Melbourne, Australia, 250 Princes Hwy, Werribee
2007, PhD, University of California, Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis CA 95616
Most Recent Five Book Chapters
2021 Cagle L, Hopper K: Pneumothorax, Tilley LP, Smith Jr FWK, Sleeper MM, Brainard BM, (ed), Blackwell's 5-Minute Veterinary Consult: Canine and Feline, 7th edition, . .
2020 Mellema M, Hopper K: Chapter 40: Mechanical Ventilation, Bruyette D, (ed), Clinical Small Animal Internal Medicine, Hoboken, NJ. .
2019 Hopper K: Spider and Scorpion Envenomation, Drobatz KJ, Hopper K, Rozanski EA, Silverstein DC, (ed), Small Animal Emergency Medicine, . .
2019 Ueda Y, Hopper K: Sodium and Water Balance, Drobatz KJ, Hopper K, Rozanski EA, Silverstein DC, (ed), Small Animal Emergency Medicine, . .
2019 Hopper K: Acid-Base Disorders, Drobatz KJ, Hopper K, Rozanski EA, Silverstein DC, (ed), Small Animal Emergency Medicine, . .
Research Focus
Occurrence and the underlying mechanisms of clinical acid-base, electrolyte and lactate disorders in animals.
Specialty Focus
Small Animal Emergency & Critical Care