Kate Watson
Associate Professor
California Animal Health and Food Safety Lab
Pathology, Microbiology & Immunology
Clothier KA, Watson KD, Mete A, Giannitti F, Anderson M, Munk B, McMillin S, Clifford DL, Rudd J, Shirkey N, Famini D, Woods L
Generalized dermatophytosis caused by Trichophyton equinum in 8 juvenile black bears in California
Jordan TJ, Affolter VK, Watson KD, Genovese DW, Montgomery EA, Outerbridge CA, White SD, Lam AT
Pathology in Practice
Ang J, Kim S, Watson KD, Pierezan F, Berg KJ, Yazdi Z, Murphy CJ, Soto E
Liquid Nitrogen Cryosurgery for Cutaneous and Ocular Neoplasms in Koi (Cyprinus carpio) and Goldfish (Carassius auratus): Eight cases (2018-2019)
Rivas V, Magdesian KG, Fagan S, Slovis N, Luethy D, Javsicas LH, Caserto BG, Miller AD, Dahlgren AR, Peterson J, Hales E, Peng S, Watson KD, Khokha MK, Finno C
A nonsense variant in Rap Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor 5 (RAPGEF5) is associated with equine familial isolated hypoparathyroidism in Thoroughbred foals
Rosati T, Burkitt JM, Watson KD, Jandrey KE, Osborne LG, Sinnott DM, Epstein SE
Obstructive Tracheal Necrosis in a Dog Secondary to Smoke Inhalation Injury-Case Report
Lee DB, Watson KD, Wilson S, Arzi B
Diagnostic Imaging in Veterinary Dental Practice
Aller TL, Phillips KL, Kapatkin AS, Watson KD
Radioulnar Ischaemic Necrosis in a Dog with Concurrent Osteomyelitis and Bone Sequestration
Siniard WC, Sheley MF, Stevens BN, Parker-Graham CA, Roy MA, Sinnott DM, Watson KD, Marinkovich MJ, Robertson JA, Frei S, Soto E
Immunohistochemical analysis of pigment cell tumors in two cyprinid species
Lee DB, Watson KD, Wanamaker MW, Arzi B
Diagnostic Imaging in Veterinary Dental Practice
Borys MA, Hulsebosch SE, Mohr FC, Watson KD, Sykes JE, Simpson KW, Westropp JL
Clinical, histopathologic, cytoscopic, and fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis of proliferative urethritis in 22 dogs.