Vargo J, Lappe B, Mirabelli MC, Conlon KC
Social Vulnerability in US Communities Affected by Wildfire
Smoke, 2011 to 2021
Patel L, Conlon KC, Sorensen C, McEachin S, Nadeau K, Kakkad K, Kizer KW
Climate Change and Extreme Heat Events: How Health Systems Should Prepare
Puvvula J, Abadi AM, Conlon KC, Rennie JJ, Herring SC, Thie L, Rudolph MJ, Owen R, Bell JE
Estimating the Burden of Heat-Related Illness Morbidity Attributable to Anthropogenic Climate Change in North Carolina.
Puvvula J, Abadi AM, Conlon KC, Rennie JJ, Jones H, Bell JE
Evaluating the Sensitivity of Heat Wave Definitions among North Carolina Physiographic Regions.
Hauser N, Conlon KC, Desai A, Kobziar LN
Climate Change and Infections on the Move in North America
Schramm PJ, Brown CL, Saha S, Conlon KC, Manangan AP, Bell JE, Hess JJ
A systematic review of the effects of temperature and precipitation on pollen concentrations and season timing, and implications for human health
Conlon KC, Mallen E, Gronlund CJ, Berrocal VJ, Larsen L, O'Neill MS
Mapping Human Vulnerability to Extreme Heat: A Critical Assessment of Heat Vulnerability Indices Created Using Principal Components Analysis.
Gronlund CJ, Yang AJ, Conlon KC, Bergmans RS, Le HQ, Batterman SA, Wahl RL, Cameron L, O’Neill MS
Total and direct associations between high temperatures and preterm births in Detroit, Michigan
B Jones HM, MeCray EL, Birkel SD, Conlon KC, Kinney PL, Silva VB, Solecki W, Rogers TM
Understanding Decision Context to Improve Heat Health Information
Bell JE, Brown CL, Conlon KC, Herring S, Kunkel KE, Lawrimore J, Luber GL, Schreck C, Smith A, Uejio CK
Changes in extreme climate events and the potential impacts on human health.