Lisa Tell

Lisa Tell

Professor and Agronomist

Medicine & Epidemiology

4311 VM3A, Davis, CA 95616

State Licensure - California
Diplomate American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (Avian Specialty)
Diplomate American College of Zoological Veterinarians
Master Banding Permit for Hummingbirds
Diplomate American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (Avian Specialty) Re-Certification
1987, BS, University of California, Davis, CA
1991, DVM, University of California, Davis, CA
Active Research Grants
Principal Investigator, FARAD, aka Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank, (Principal Investigator), USDA/NIFA
Co-Investigator, West Nile virus control through mosquitocidal avian bloodmeals, Brian D. Foy, Colorado State University (Principal Investigator), Colorado State University from National Institutes of Health, NIAID
Research Focus
Antibiotic and Antifungal Therapeutic Treatment Regimes
Specialty Focus
Drug Residues Relative to Food Safety (Avian and Small Rumiant Focus)
Ten Recent Publications

English S, Wilson S, Bandivadekar R, Graves E, Holyoak M, Brown J, Tell LA^
Quantifying phenology and migratory behaviours of hummingbirds using single-site dynamics and mark-detection analyses

Galvin AN, Pandit P, English SG, Quock RC, Bandivadekar RR, Colwell RR, Robinson BW, Ernest HE, Brown MH, Sehgal R, Tell LA^
Evaluation of Minimally Invasive Sampling Methods for Detecting Avipoxvirus: Hummingbirds as a Case Example

Mercer MA, Davis JL, Riviere, JE, Baynes RE, Tell LA, Jaberi-Douraki M, Maunsell FP, Lin Z
Mechanisms of toxicity and residue considerations of rodenticide exposure in food Animals—a FARAD perspective

Holcomb KM, Nguyen C, Foy BD, Ahn M, Cramer K, Lonstrup E, Mete A, Tell LA, Barker CM
Effects of ivermectin treatment of backyard chickens on mosquito dynamics and West Nile virus transmission reduced