Mark Anderson

Mark Anderson

Professor Emeritus

California Animal Health and Food Safety Lab
Pathology, Microbiology & Immunology

1137 Thurman Lab, Davis, CA 95616

Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Pathologists
1970, AS, Long Beach City College, Long Beach, CA
1972, BS, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
1974, BS, College of Veterinary Medicine, College Station, TX
1975, DVM, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
1986, PhD, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis, CA
Honors and Awards
2011 Journal of Pathology: Best Paper
Most Recent Five Book Chapters
2012 Anderson ML: Disorders of Cattle, Bradley L. Njaa, (ed), Kirkbride's Diagnosis of Abortion and Neonatal Loss in Animals ISBN-13: 978-0-470-95852-0 Fourth Edition, Ames, Iowa. 13-48.
2007 BonDurant RH, Anderson ML, Stott JL, Kennedy PC: Epizootic Bovine Abortion (Foothill Abortion), Youngquist RS and Threlfall WR, (ed), Current Therapy in Large Animal Theriogenology, St. Louis, MO. 413-416.
1997 BonDurant RH, Anderson ML: Epizootic bovine abortion, , Current Therapy in Large Animal Theriogenology, . 386-389.
1994 Anderson ML, Barr BC, Conrad PA: Protozoal causes of reproductive failure in domestic ruminants, , Veterinary Clinic of North America: Food Animal Practice, . 439-461.
1993 Barr BC, Anderson ML: Infectious diseases causing bovine abortion and fetal loss, , Veterinary Clinic of North America: Food Animal Practice, . 343-368. July.
Research Focus
Livestock abortion, pathology and experimental reproduction (Neosporosis and Epizootic Bovine Abortion)Respiratory disease in cattle, BRSV and Histophilus somni
Specialty Focus
Diagnostic pathology (anatomic)