Mathieu Spriet
Surgical & Radiological Sciences
Surgical & Radiological Sciences
Phone Number
4313 VM3A, Davis, CA 95616
Research Profile
Diplomate American Collage of Veterinary Radiology
Diplomate European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging
Diplomate American College of Veterinary Radiology - Equine Diagnostic Imaging
2002, DVM, Ecole Nationale Veterinaire de Lyon, Lyon, France
2004, MS, University of Montreal, St Hyacinthe, Quebec, Canada
Active Research Grants
Co-Investigator, Evaluation of dual 18F-NaF/18F-FDG PET/CT as a Diagnosis Tool for Pain of Unknown Origin at the Temporomandibular Joint Region of Dogs, Boaz Arzi (Principal Investigator), CCAH
Principal Investigator, Assessment of Clinical Laminitis Progression with the use of standing 18F-FDG PET, (Principal Investigator), UCD, Center for Equine health
Principal Investigator, Comparison of standing MRI and standing 18F-NaF PET in horses with foot lameness, (Principal Investigator), CEH
Co-Investigator, Assessment of bone growth in horse fetuses and newborn foals., Catherine Renaudin (Principal Investigator), UC Davis, Center for Equine Health
Principal Investigator, “Comparison of standing PET and standing MRI for the assessment of the Thoroughbred racehorse fetlock”, (Principal Investigator), Oak Tree Charitable Foundation
Principal Investigator, “PET monitoring of the Thoroughbred racehorse fetlock in horses resuming training after a lay-up for fetlock injury”, (Principal Investigator), Southern California Equine Foundation
Honors and Awards
2004 Pfizer research grant for graduate students, University of Montreal.
2006 Best poster presentation, International Veterinary Radiology Association (IVRA) meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
2008 Best oral presentation, European Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging (EVDI) meeting, Svolvaer, Norway.
Most Recent Five Book Chapters
2020 Spriet M: Computed Tomography, Baxter G, (ed), Adams and Stashak's Lameness in Horses, 7ed, . 376-383.
2012 Spriet M, Cissell DD: The magic angle effect in magnetic resonance imaging of the horse: a review, R Hagen, S Martig, ME Raw, A Zwingenberger, (ed), EAVDI Yearbook 2012, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 1-10.
Research Focus
Advanced musculoskeletal imaging in horses, in particular development of PET imaging for lameness assessment in sport horses and prevention of catastrophic breakdown in race horses.
Specialty Focus
Diagnostic Imaging