Sean E Hulsebosch

Sean E Hulsebosch

Associate Professor

Medicine & Epidemiology

Diplomate American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (Small animal internal medicine)
California University Veterinarian License
1990, BS, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
1999, DVM, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
2001, Rotating Intern, The Animal Medical Center, New York, New York
2015, Resident, University of California-Davis, Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, Davis, California
2022, Attendee , European Society of Veterinary Endocrinology (ESVE), University of Bologna, Italy
Most Recent Five Book Chapters
2024 Hulsebosch SE: Chapter 3: Weight Loss in Dogs , Fracassi F, Galac S, (ed), Canine Endocrinology, 1st edition, . .
2024 Hulsebosch SE: Chapter 23: Weakness, Cote E, Ettinger SJ, Feldman EC, (ed), Ettinger's Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 9th edition, . .
Research Focus
Endocrinology, respiratory, uronephrology.
Specialty Focus
Small animal internal medicine.
Ten Recent Publications

Lee MA, Hulsebosch SE, Affolter VK, Dear JD, Knipe MF, Maggs DJ, Moore BA, Outerbridge CA, Marsilio S
Polyautoimmunity manifest as inflammatory myopathy, uveitis, and progressive cutaneous depigmentation in a mixed breed dog: a case report.

Johnson LR, Hulsebosch SE, Viall AK, Danesi P, Woolard KD, Cook SE, Maggs DJ, Leonard BC
Oculosystemic pneumocystosis in 2 sibling Chihuahuas.

Golinelli S, Fracassi F, Bianchi E, Pöppl Á, Miceli D, Benedicenti L, De Marco V, Cook AK, Espada Castro L, Ramsey IK, Seo K, Cantile C, Gandini G, Hulsebosch SE, Feldman EC
Clinical features of muscle stiffness in 37 dogs with concurrent naturally-occurring hypercortisolism

Lim L, Hulsebosch SE, Gilor C, Reagan KL, Kopecny L, Maggiore AD, Phillips KL, Kass PH, Vernau W, Nelson RW
Re-evaluation of the low-dose dexamethasone suppression test in dogs

Hulsebosch SE, Pires J, Bannasch MJ, Lancaster T, Delpero A, Ragupathy R, Murikipudi S, Zion T, Gilor C
Ultra-long-acting recombinant insulin for the treatment of diabetes mellitus in dogs

Dear JD, Reagan KL, Hulsebosch SE, Li CF, Munro MJL, Byrne BA, Affolter VK, Wiederhold N, Cañete-Gibas C, Sykes JE
Disseminated Rasamsonia argillacea species complex infections in 8 dogs

Gilor C, Hulsebosch SE, Pires J, Bannasch MJ, Lancaster T, Delpero A, Ragupathy R, Murikipudi S, Zion T
An ultra-long-acting recombinant insulin for the treatment of diabetes mellitus in cats