Walter Boyce
Professor Emeritus
Professor Emeritus
Pathology, Microbiology & Immunology
Pathology, Microbiology & Immunology
Phone Number
WHC, Davis, CA 95616
Research Profile
Diplomate American College of Veterinary Microbiology (Veterinary Parasitology)
1988, PhD, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana
1985, MS, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
1981, DVM, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama
1978, BS, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama
Active Research Grants
Principal Investigator, Center of Excellence Influenza Research and Surveillance , (Principal Investigator), NIH-NIAID
Collaborator, Impacts of Landscape Structure, Host Demography, and Management Interventions on Disease Dynamics, VandeWoude S (Principal Investigator), NSF Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases (EEID) Program
Principal Investigator, Sespe Bighorn Sheep Project, (Principal Investigator), California Department Fish and Wildlife
Principal Investigator, Center of Excellence Influenza Research and Surveillancey, (Principal Investigator), NIH - NIAID
Honors and Awards
2006 Carl Norden-Pfizer Distinguished Teaching Award; UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine
Most Recent Five Book Chapters
2016 Wheeler SS, Boyce WM, Reisen WK: Chapter 16: Field nethods and sample collection techniques for the surveillance of West Nile Virus in avian hosts, Colpitts TM, (ed), Methods in Molecular Biology: West Nile Virus: Methods an Protocols, . 207-20.
2013 Padgett KA, Crosbie PR, Boyce WM: Section III Platyhelminthes: Cestoda: Chapter 25. Mesocestoides, Liu D, (ed), Molecular Detection of Human Parasitic Pathogens, . 277-86.
1999 Bunch TD, Boyce WM, Hibler CP, Lance WR, Spraker TR, Williams ES: Diseases of North American Wild sheep, Valdez R, Krausman PR, (ed), Mountant Sheep of North America, Tuscon, AZ. 209-37.
1996 Jessup DA, Boyce WM: Diseases of wild ungulates and livestock, Krausman PR, (ed), Rangeland Wildlife, 1st edition, . .
1995 Courtney CH, Conrad PA, Boyce WM: Internal parasites, Siegal M, (ed), The UC Davis Book of Dogs, 1st edition, . 387-407.
Research Focus
The ecology of infectious diseases and their hosts at the interface of wildlife, domestic animals and people. Major areas of research include zoonoses (avian influenza viruses, West Nile virus), veterinary parasitology (Psoroptes mites, Mesocestoides tapeworms), and conservation biology (bighorn sheep, mountain lions).