Wayne Wei Feng

Wayne Wei Feng

Project Scientist

Molecular Biosciences

2213 VM3B, Davis, CA 95616

1984, BA, Central China Univesity, Peoples Republic of China,
1987, MS, Institute of Hydrobiology, Peoples Republic of China,
1997, PhD, Ben-Gurion University, Israel,
Active Research Grants
Co-Investigator, Molecular Mechanisms of Marine Organohalogen Bioaccumulation and Neurotoxicity, Isaac Pessah (Principal Investigator), NSF - NIH/NIEHS
Instructor, Novel mechanisms for seizure mitigation and neuroprotection, Isaac Pessah (Principal Investigator), NIH/National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Honors and Awards
1996 Award of Zlowtovtsky Neuroscience Foundation, Israel.
1991 Third Award, Achievements in Sciences and Technology, The Ministry of Agriculture of P.R. China No. 911885
1990 Second Award, Academy Award, The Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences No 90-ykc-2-06-13
Most Recent Five Book Chapters
2002 Feng W and Pessah IN: Detection of redox sensor of ryanodine receptor complexes, C.K. Son and L. Packer, (ed), Methods in Enzymology, . 240-253.
1998 Shoshan-Barmatz V, Feng W: Chemical modification of ryanodine receptor/Ca2+ release channel activity, Sitsapesan R, Williams AJ, (ed), The Structure and Function of Ryanodine Receptors, Landes BioScience, Austin, Texas. 203-226.
1994 Wang WJ, Feng W, Li LX, Yu Y, Liu JX, Yao WJ, Xiao CX, Wang GT, Feng S: Parasitic infection state of fishes and its impact on the fishery in Wuling Mountain (In Chinese, translation not available), , Resources and Evaluation of Animal Species in Wuling Mountain Area of Southwest China, China. 98-114.
1993 Feng W, Wang WJ: Parasitic cestodes in freshwater fishes from Wuling mountain area In Chinese, translation not available), , Invertebrates in Wuling Mountain Area, China. 235-239.
1993 Feng W, Wang WJ: New digenetic trematodes of fishes in Wuling Mountain area (In Chinese, translation not available), , Invertebrates in Wuling Mountain Area, China. 223-234.
Research Focus
Molecular and bipphysical aspects reveling structure and function of ion channels, especially ryanodine receptors with associated proteins in mammalian skeletal, cardiac muscles and brain; Molecular mechamisms of genetic and environmental influences on cellular Ca2+ signaling.
Specialty Focus
Ion channels, Biochemistry and Biophysics.
Ten Recent Publications

Sethi S, Morgan RK, Feng W, Lin Y, Li X, Luna C, Koch M, Bansal R, Duffel MW, Puschner B, Zoeller RT, Lehmler HJ, Pessah IN, Lein PJ
Comparative Analyses of the 12 Most Abundant PCB Congeners Detected in Human Maternal Serum for Activity at the Thyroid Hormone Receptor and Ryanodine Receptor

Zheng J, McKinnie SMK, El Gamal A, Feng W, Dong Y, Agarwal V, Fenical W, Kumar A, Cao Z, Moore BS, Pessah IN
Organohalogens Naturally Biosynthesized in Marine Environments and Produced as Disinfection Byproducts Alter Sarco/Endoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+ Dynamics

Ronjata M, Feng W, Dardeveta L, Dong Y, Al Khourya S, Chatelaind FC, Viallaa V, Chahbouna S, Lesaged F, Darbong H, Pessah IN, De Waarda M
In cellulo phosphorylation induces pharmacological reprogramming of maurocalcin, a cell-penetrating venom peptide