Bruno Chomel
Professor Emeritus
Professor Emeritus
Population Health & Reproduction
Population Health & Reproduction
Phone Number
4211 VM3B, Davis, CA 95616
Research Profile
1977, DVM, Lyon's Veterinary School, Lyon, France
1981, MS, Pasteur Institute, Paris, France
1982, MS, University Cl, Bernard-Lyons I, Lyon, France
1984, PhD/These 3eme cycle, University Claude Bernard-Lyon I, Lyon, France
1987, EIS, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA, USA
1989, Dr Sc/Research Habilitation, University Claude Bernard-Lyon I, Lyon, France
Honors and Awards
1977 Henri Vallee Prize (Best student in Infectious Diseases), Lyon's School of Veterinary Medicine, Lyon, France
1978 Bronze Medal, DVM Thesis, University Claude Bernard, Lyon, France
2004 A new Bartonella species was named in my honor: Bartonella chomelii (cho.mel'i.i. N.L. gen. n. chomelii in honour of Bruno B. Chomel, who was the first to experimentally demonstrate the transmission of Bartonella henselae by fleas in cats, and to isolate Bartonella bovis from domestic cattle. His studies on Bartonella infection in animals contributed to an improved understanding of epidemiology and vectors of Bartonella-associated disease in animals."
2004-2005 Outstanding Faculty Award, Graduate Group in Epidemiology
2007 Corresponding Foreign Member, French National Academy of Medicine
Most Recent Five Book Chapters
2015 Chomel BB: Role of cats as reservoir of vector-borne pathogens for humans, Beugnet F, Halos L, Franc M, (ed), Parasitoses and Vector-Borne Diseases of Cats, Lyon, France. 5-7.
2015 Chomel B, Fleischman D. Stuckey M: Bartonella, Beugnet F, Halos L, Franc M, (ed), Parasitoses and Vector-Borne Diseases of Cats, Lyon, France. 3-5.
2015 Chomel BB, Stuckey MJ, Boulouis H-J, Aguilar- Setién A: Chapter 28: Bat related zoonoses, Sing A, (ed), Zoonoses - Infections Affecting Humans and Animals - Focus on Public Health Aspects, . 697-714.
2014 Sykes JE, Chomel BB: Bartonellosis, Sykes JE, (ed), Canine and Feline Infectious Diseases, St Louis, MI, USA. 498-511.
2014 Sykes JE, Chomel BB: Rabies, Sykes JE, (ed), Canine and Feline Infectious Diseases, St Louis, MI, USA. 132-40.
Research Focus
Zoonoses, Emerging Zoonoses, Veterinary Public Health, Epidemiology