Tenacious Candy, a 2-year-old Thoroughbred filly, endured an extended hospitalization to survive tetanus and injury and is now on her way to a racing career.
Monty, a 9-year-old male ball python, has been with owner Teena Fultz for five years. Already dubbed Monty when she received him, the snake got to keep his famous moniker as Fultz appreciated the humor behind it. They have been constant companions since.
Dr. Allison O'Donnell is familiar with the UC Davis veterinary hospital, having received her veterinary degree from the school in 2023. Unfortunately, she and fiancé Matt Cardinale had to experience the hospital as clients recently when their dog Squid, a 5-year-old female husky/terrier mix, was trapped in a house fire and suffered carbon monoxide poisoning.
Scout, a 7-month-old female miniature Dachshund, had a rough start to her life in Anchorage, Alaska, where she lives with her littermate brother Finn, and another miniature Dachshund, 2-year-old Leroy, along with her owners, Karen and Gene Richardson. By the age of 3 months, it was discovered that Scout was born with incorrect blood vessel connections leading to her liver.
Atlas, a 2-year-old male cheetoh cat (Bengal/ocicat cross), is a fearless daredevil who likes to get into mischief, always wanting to climb to the highest heights he can reach in the house. Unfortunately, those activities caught up with him last May when he became acutely lame after jumping down from an elevated structure at home. X-rays showed a displaced fracture of the right femoral head that would require surgery.
Aria Brecheisen was exercising her 4-H goat Captain America (Cap) when she witnessed him drop to the ground and vocalize in pain. Cap, a 6-month-old Boer goat, continued to lay down straining in pain every few steps as she tried to walk him back to the barn.
Noodle, a 3-year-old male poodle mix, is the second patient ever to have percutaneous stone removal surgery, and the first without initial lithotripsy.