
Resident Turkey Vultures Get New Exhibit at California Raptor Center

The three resident turkey vultures at the California Raptor Center (CRC) got new digs this summer! Thanks to a generous grant from the McBeth Foundation, the center staff worked with the cage design company Corners Limited, Inc. to design an exhibit to house Juliet (28+ years old, wing injury) and Merry and Pippin (3-year-old siblings, human imprinted). The cage was installed in July 2021. 

Chlamydia Infections Documented in Raptors

As colder weather arrives in California, UC Davis researchers urge wildlife rehabilitators and veterinary professionals working with raptors to take extra health precautions against a Chlamydia strain found in several species that might potentially cause serious disease in humans as well.

Visit California Raptor Center's Open House, Oct 20th

If you give a hoot about raptors, come visit the California Raptor Center’s (CRC) Open House on Saturday, Oct. 20th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. We have two new owl residents for you to meet—a barred owl named Tadita, and Ember, our first barn owl education ambassador in six years! 

New Flights for Old Feathers

When a red-tailed hawk with six broken feathers was brought to the California Raptor Center, veterinarians knew they would need some old feathers and an old technique to heal the raptor. This method worked so well the hawk was able to be released back into the wild later that day.