Carrie Finno

Carrie Finno


Population Health & Reproduction

280 CCAH, Davis, CA 95616

Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Licensure, Minnesota
Licensure, California
1999, BSc, Emory University, Atlanta, GA
2004, DVM, University of Minnesota, College of Veterinary Medicine, St Paul, MN
2006, Internship, University of Minnesota, College of Veterinary Medicine, St Paul, MN
2008, Residency, University of California, Davis, VMTH, Davis, CA
2012, PhD, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA
2013, Post-Doctorate, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN
Active Research Grants
Co-Principal Investigator, Validation of a CAPN9 as a risk haplotype for the development of melanoma in graying Connemara ponies, Finno / Theon (Principal Investigator), UC Davis Center for Equine Health
Principal Investigator, The use of protein biomarkers to classify equine neurodegeneration, (Principal Investigator), Alamo Pintado Equine Health Foundation Fund – in memory of Dr. Doug Herthel
Principal Investigator, Identifying a genetic mutation for a novel neurodegenerative disease in Quarter Horse foals, (Principal Investigator), UC Davis Center for Equine Health
Principal Investigator, Investigation of ACSBG2 as a candidate gene for equine neuroaxonal dystrophy, (Principal Investigator), UC Davis Center for Equine Health
Principal Investigator, Validating an association on chromosome 1 for Juvenile Idiopathic Epilepsy in Arabian horses, (Principal Investigator), UC Davis Center for Equine Health
Principal Investigator, Systems biology approach to Equine Metabolic Syndrome, (Principal Investigator), Morris Animal Foundation
Principal Investigator, Functions of vitamin E and the tocopherol transfer protein, (Principal Investigator), NIH NIDDK
Principal Investigator, Incorporating long-read sequencing technology to improve the equine neuroepigenetic atlas, (Principal Investigator), UC Davis Center for Equine Health
Most Recent Five Book Chapters
2019 Finno CJ, Bannasch, DL: Chapter 52: Genetic tests for large animals, Smith, Van Metre, Pusterla, (ed), Large Animal Internal Medicine, St. Louis, MO. 1709-1716.
2017 Finno CJ: Vitamin and mineral assessment, Pusterla N, Higgins R, (ed), Interpretation of Equine Laboratory Diagnostics (Chapter 13), Hoboken, NJ. .
2017 Finno CJ: Equine genetic testing, Pusterla N, Higgins R, (ed), Interpretation of Equine Laboratory Diagnostics (Chapter 52), Hoboken, NJ. .
2015 Finno CJ: Chapter 89: Equine neuroaxonal dystrophy, Sprayberry KA, Robinson NE, (ed), Robinson's Current Therapy in Equine Medicine, 7th Edition, St. Louis, MO. .
2015 Finno CJ, Bannasch DL: Chapter 52: Genetic tests for large animals, Smith BP, (ed), Large Animal Internal Medicine, 5th edition, St. Louis, MO. 1530-7.
Research Focus
My laboratory investigates the molecular basis for genetic diseases in the horse and other companion animals. One of the translational focuses of my research is to investigate the role of vitamin E in neurodegeneration, using a well-established mouse model and a naturally-occurring model of neuroaxonal dystrophy in the horse (eNAD).
Specialty Focus
As a diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, I have a specialty focus on equine internal medicine. Specifically, my laboratory investigates the genetic basis of neurodegenerative diseases using animal models.
Ten Recent Publications

Gurgul A, Szmatola T, Octon E, Jasielczuk I, Semik-Gurgul E, Finno CJ, Petersen JL, Bellone R, Hales EN, Zabek T, Arent Z, Kotula-Balak M, Bugno-Poniewierska M
Another lesson from unmapped reads: in-depth analysis of RNA-Seq reads from various horse tissues.

de Albuquerque AL, Zanzarini Delfiol DJ, Andrade DGA, Albertino LG, Sonne L, Borges AS, Valberg SJ, Finno CJ, Oliveira-Filho JP
Prevalence of the E321G MYH1 variant in Brazilian Quarter Horses.

Pusterla N, Barnum S, Young A, Mendonsa E, Lee S, Hankin S, Brittner S, Finno CJ
Molecular Monitoring of EHV-1 in Silently Infected Performance Horses through Nasal and Environmental Sample Testing

Wang Z, Chivu AG, Choate LA, Rice EJ, Miller DC, Chu T, Chou SP, Kingsley NB, Petersen JL, Finno CJ, Bellone RR, Antczak DF, Lis JT, Danko CG
Prediction of histone post-translational modification patterns based on nascent transcription data.

Horvath S, Haghani A, Peng S, Hales EN, Zoller JA, Raj K, Larison B, Robeck TR, Petersen JL, Bellone RR, Finno CJ^
DNA methylation aging and transcriptomic studies in horses.