Our Team - Contact

Our Team - Contact

Office of Professional Education

UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine
944 Garrod Drive
Davis CA. 95616-5270

Phone (530) 752-0335
Fax (530) 754-0131
Email csteam@ucdavis.edu

Joie Watson

Joie Watson

Associate Dean of Professional Education

Manages the professional DVM Curriculum by providing administrative support to the students, faculty, and staff for development, delivery, evaluation, and modification of the curriculum, as well as oversight of teaching facilities and equipment, and educational computing support.

Telephone - (530) 754-5336  /  Email - jlwatson@ucdavis.edu

Dr. Elizabeth Montgomery, DVM

Elizabeth Montgomery

Interim Director of Professional Student Clinical Education

Supports interactions between fourth-year DVM students, house officers, faculty clinicians, staff, clients, and patients while maintaining efficient hospital operation, high quality patient care, and a positive and collegial professional working and learning environment.

Telephone - (530) 219-7875 Email - eamontgomery@ucdavis.edu


Karen Boudreaux

Karen Boudreaux

Educational Specialist

Responsibilities include design, implementation, data collection, analysis and reporting for educational and accreditation data collection and surveys; oversight of learning outcomes for all VET and DVM courses in collaboration with faculty; faculty support for educational methodologies, technologies and research; administrative support for meeting accreditation standards; oversight student tutoring program; faculty assistance for faculty peer coaching and observation process; and Curriculum Committee support for routine meetings, 5-Year Block Evaluations, 7-Year Curricular Evaluation, Block Leader Recognition Program and other yearly or longitudinal initiatives. Directly involved in content delivery for VET 400, VET407, VET416 and DVM 447.

Telephone - (530) 752-1765  /  Email - kaboudreaux@ucdavis.edu

Tracey Soeth

Tracey Soeth

Chief Administrative Officer, Office of Professional Education and Student Programs; DVM Program Manager

Oversees the administrative, fiscal, personnel and student affairs functions of the DVM academic and student programs.

Telephone - (530) 754-0132  /  Email - tasoeth@ucdavis.edu 

Maribel Morales

Maribel Morales

DVM Program Financial Officer

Coordinates all business functions and financial accounts for the DVM academic and student programs, including scholarships.

Email - morales@ucdavis.edu

Curricular Support

Chris Villanueva

Chris Villanueva

DVM Instructional Resources Coordinator

Administers exams and coordinates instructional resources for the DVM curriculum. Staff liaison to the DVM Clinical Education Committee.

Telephone - (530) 752-9009   /  Email - cbvillanueva@ucdavis.edu

Mike Beech

Mike Beech

Valley Hall Facility Manager

Provides audio-visual support for all SVM teaching facilities and serves as facility manager for the Gladys Valley Hall.

Email - mwbeech@ucdavis.edu

Melanie Burt-Schipke

Melanie Burt-Schipke

Student Affairs Officer

Serves as staff liaison to DVM students, provides administrative and business support for the programs and manages scheduling for the Associate Dean of Professional Education.

Telephone - (530) 754-1539   /  Email - maburt@ucdavis.edu


Lauren Issvoran

Lauren Issvoran

Clinical Student Affairs Coordinator

Serves as staff liaison to fourth-year DVM students during their clinical rotation year.

Telephone - (530) 752-0773 /  Email - lgissvoran@ucdavis.edu


Cindy Pinzon

Cindy Pinzon

DVM Curriculum Manager

Schedules all curriculum for the DVM program and provides administrative support to the Curriculum Committee.

Telephone - (530) 752-6604  /  Email - cpinzon@ucdavis.edu

Joey Pacini

Joey Pacini

Senior DVM Curriculum Planner

Administers and coordinates instructional resources including block examinations of the DVM curriculum. Staff support to the DVM Student Affairs Committee.

Telephone - (530) 7562-8084  /  Email - jspacini@ucdavis.edu

Tim Samartino

Tim Samartino

Senior DVM Instructional Designer

Designs and manages instructional systems used to deliver the DVM curriculum, including Canvas course sites, ExamSoft assessments and scores, and instructional materials.

Email - tsamartino@ucdavis.edu

Multipurpose Teaching

Dat-Tri Nguyen

Dat-Tri Nguyen

MPT Lab Manager

Telephone - (530) 752-0139 or (530) 302-7146   /  
Email - dotguy@ucdavis.edu

Melyssa Rehman

Melyssa Rehman

Clinical Skills Laboratory Technician

Telephone - (530) 752-1325   /  Email - melolmsted@ucdavis.edu


Danielle DePriest

Danielle DePriest

Anatomy Lab Manager

Telephone - (530) 754-0137   /  Email - dddepriest@ucdavis.edu

Maribel Morales

Daryl Sager

Anatomy Technician

Assists in gross anatomy dissections. Technical support for the following blocks: VET401, VET403, VET405, VET410

Telephone - (530) 754-0134   /  Email - dsager@ucdavis.edu


Gourley Clinical Teaching Center

Dr. Crystal Loranc, DVM

Crystal Loranc

Staff Veterinarian

Oversees the use of animals in the curriculum with responsibility for IACUC protocols, medical care and medical records for all animals housed in the Gourley Clinical Teaching Center (GCTC). She is an instructor in VET431 (Surgery and Anesthesia Stream) where she is responsible for pre-operative assessment and post-operative care. Dr. Loranc oversees the Clinical Skills Laboratory and, together with an RVT, develops new teaching models and modules to improve students’ entry-level skills.

Telephone - (530) 754-2470 /  Email - cdloranc@ucdavis.edu

Candace Aguilar

Candace Aguilar

RVT - Facility Manager

Oversees the RVTs and students employed in the GCTC to support the teaching program. As facility manager, she supervises and monitors all operational activities, ensuring compliance with NIH, the Animal Welfare Act and Public Health Services Act, and Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC) guidelines. She is responsible for ensuring that resources, including animals and supplies, are available for all teaching sessions conducted within the GCTC and works with the GCTC veterinarian as the liaison between the SVM and local animal shelters, rescue groups, veterinarians and other campus units.

Telephone - (530) 752-7587 or (530) 304-2259 (cell)   /  Email - cmaguilar@ucdavis.edu