Mondays with Mark
Mondays with Mark

Mondays with Mark is our original monthly video newsletter featuring interesting school topics and hosted by Dean Mark Stetter. The series has been replaced by A Minute with Mark

January 2024: Strategic Initiatives Edition

In this episode, I meet with the leaders of each initiative to get a peek into what we’re doing for each area, and how our actions will help position us for the future.


December 2024: The Grinch (and Max!) ❄️ Edition 

This holiday season, I want to share a personal story about health, gratitude, and impact from the school.


November 2023: Marine Health Edition

Veterinarians play an important part in the health of marine mammals and ecosystems, which are connected to the health of our land and air and even humans ourselves. Featured in this episode: SeaDoc Society | Oiled Wildlife Care Network | Karen C. Drayer Wildlife Heath Center.


October 2023: Inspiring Veterinary Scientists Edition

In this episode, we meet two incredible alumni: Dr. Brian Bird, who was just given the green light to start a groundbreaking human vaccine trial against the Rift Valley fever. and Dr. Sara Thomasy, professor of comparative ophthalmology, who is advancing eye medicine to the benefit of both animals AND humans.


September 2023: Agricultural Edition

Every day, hundreds of people at the school work to keep crops free of animal-borne illnesses, protect the health of food animals, monitor for diseases, and more to help backyard farmers and major agricultural producers. Featured in this episode: Dr. Emmanuel Okelleo Department of Population Health and Reproduction) at California Animal Health & Food Safety facility in Tulare.


Mondays with Mark: August 2023 Equine Safety Edition

The school has been a longtime leader in equine health, including helping keep sport horses safe and well cared for. Innovations from the school have helped racehorse safety in California dramatically improve, positively influencing practices nationally. Also, meet Lightening Juice, the Center for Equine Health's camera-ready ham!


July 2023

In this episode: Summer programs for prospective vets | California Veterinary Emergency Team (CVET) prepares for wildfires | Dr. Crystal Rogers is selected as 2023 Chancellor Fellow for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


July 2023: Critter Fixers Special Edition 

Dean Mark Stetter sat down with Drs. Terrence Ferguson and Vernard Hodges—aka The Critter Fixers—for an insightful conversation on diversity in veterinary medicine and the importance of representation.​





April 2023

In this inaugural episode: Gearing up for the 75th Anniversary Party | House Officers Breakfast and Research Awards