Research Resources

Research Resources

The UC Davis Office of Research has an in-depth faculty toolkit that provides information for all stages of the research pipeline including: finding funding, preparing proposals, how to handle intellectual property and award processing. 

Funding Opportunities

SPO Funding Opportunities

  • Pivot - comprehensive database of funding opportunities available

Funding at NIH -
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NIH Weekly Funding Opportunities
-Funding opportunities list-

Funding Opportunities at the National Science Foundation (NSF)
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USDA/NIFA Funding Opportunities
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These RFAs invite research grant applications to examine the impact of HAI on typical and atypical child development and health; the evaluation of animal-assisted intervention for children and adults with disabilities or in need of rehabilitative services; and the effects of animals on public health, including cost effectiveness of involving animals in reducing and preventing disease.

Key Contacts

  • Sponsored Programs- responsible for the effective and timely handling of all research proposals, as well as preparing, interpreting, negotiating, and accepting awards/agreements on behalf of the Regents for projects funded by federal and state agencies, foundations, and other public and private sources.
  • Innovation Access - provides services that connect research to the marketplace and is focused specifically on protecting and commercializing intellectual property as well as fostering entrepreneurship within the campus community.
  • Corporate Relations - develops, fosters and manages strategic relationships with industry in a comprehensive manner that spans multiple interests across academic disciplines.
  • Business and Revenue Contracts - reviews, negotiates and establishes legally binding bilateral agreements
  • Venture Catalyst - facilitates the translation of University research and technology by driving the development of new ventures.

We recommend subscribing to Office of Research Listservs to stay up to date on funding opportunities, core facilities, and IRB information.

NIH Data Sharing Policy

The NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing (DMS) became effective January 25, 2023.

  • Applicants must submit a Data Management and Sharing plan as part of the funding request. The plan must outline how their scientific data and accompanying documentation will be managed and shared
  • Applicant must comply with the approved DMS plan
  • Maximize the appropriate sharing of scientific data generated from NIH-funded or conducted research in the plan, with justified limitations or exceptions
  • NIH has created an excellent resource on Data Sharing Repositories
  • UC Davis also has resources for Data Sharing

For more details about the new data management and data sharing policy, read the NIH Scientific Data Sharing one page guide: The Who, What, Where and When of the NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy (PDF).

Additional information can be found here

Research Definitions

What is a Research Grant?

Research Grants and contracts are written agreements with external sponsors. UC Davis provides research, training, public service, or non-standardized testing or other services. Research grants and contract agreements contain one or more of the following provisions:

  • A research protocol or other statement of work.
  • A designated principal investigator(s).
  • A designated period of performance.
  • A budget.
  • An obligation to account for costs incurred and to return unspent funds.
  • Disposition of intellectual property rights.

The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research (OVCR) reviews and signs off on all funding requests before submission to the funding agency. All projects are submitted via Cayuse. If you have not used Cayuse, quick training guides are available online.

Types of Research Grants

New (unsolicited; solicited)

A formal request to a sponsor for funds to support a new project. A solicited proposal is submitted to a sponsor in response to an RFA, RFP, RFQ or PA. An unsolicited proposal is one that is not in response to a published request.

A renewal application or proposal is a competitively reviewed proposal which builds upon the original work performed. It generally extends the scope of the original work, extends the time period, and includes a request for additional funds.

A revision proposal is a modified and resubmitted request for funding (proposal) for a project that was previously not funded either because it was denied by the sponsor or withdrawn by the principal investigator.

An agreement with a third-party organization performing a portion of a UCD research project or program. The terms of the relationship (subgrant/subcontract) are influenced by the prime agreement, detailing the award to the University.  A subrecipient works collaboratively with the prime award recipient to carry out a portion of the prime award’s scope of work.

Supplemental Proposal
A supplemental proposal is a request to the sponsor for additional funds for an ongoing project during the approved performance period. A supplemental proposal may result from increased costs, modifications in design, or a desire to add a closely related component to the ongoing project. Some sponsors also offer supplemental programs which are designed to fund the hiring of minority or undergraduate students.

No-Cost Time Extension
An extension of the period of performance beyond the expiration date to allow the principal investigator to complete a project at no additional cost to the sponsor.

Non-competing continuation grants
Non-competing continuation grants are submitted when a project has been guaranteed funding for multiple years. A continuation application is submitted annually after the first year, for each subsequent year of the project. For the NIH, a non-competing continuation application uses the PHS-2590 application kit. The applicant is required to provide a progress report and note any changes in the personnel budget. The initial Notice of Award received by the PI should state if the NIH Streamlined Non-competing Continuation Procedures (SNAP) can be followed.

Interim or Bridge Funding
Bridge funding is a UC Davis program funded by the Vice Chancellor for Research designed to assist principal investigators who are between grants so as to help maintain continuity in their research programs. Interim funding is authorized to expend funds on a project to a specified limit before the award document has been received from the sponsor.

Modular Grant Applications
Learn more about NIH Modular Research Grant Applications

Research Policies and Compliance

All Policies and Regulations that govern the conduct of research at UC Davis are available online.

Download the UC Davis Guide to Research Compliance and the Uniform Guidance Quick Guide

Federal Sponsor Guidelines

NIH Policies and Compliance

NSF Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures