Dog Battles Cancer After Family Loses Everything in Fire

black Labrador retreiver dog
Quinn underwent emergency surgery at the UC Davis veterinary hospital after a cancerous tumor ruptured in her abdomen.

Dog Battles Cancer After Family Loses Everything in Fire

The 2020 LNU Lightning Complex Fire in Northern California devastated many lives. None more so than the owners of Quinn, a 12-year-old female Labrador retriever. Just before the fire erupted, Quinn was not feeling herself and was twice taken to her primary veterinarian. After many tests, she came home on the night of August 18. That would be the last time she would be in that home.

“By midnight, we were running for our lives,” said Quinn’s owner Kristine. “We lost everything but ourselves and the vehicle we left in.”

Three days later, Quinns’s symptoms reappeared and required a late evening visit to the UC Davis veterinary hospital’s Emergency Room. By midnight, the emergency veterinarians diagnosed Quinn with bleeding in her abdomen due to a ruptured tumor on her spleen. By morning, she was cleared for emergency surgery to remove the spleen.  
“The amazing team at UC Davis held my hand through a thorough explanation of what Quinn needed,” said Kristine. “Clearly the decision to remove her spleen saved her life, and I have cherished every day since.”

Unfortunately, this wasn’t the end of Quinn’s health setbacks. The tumor was linked to Hemangiosarcoma, an aggressive cancer of the cells lining the blood vessels. Quinn’s veterinary teamed decided to be just as aggressive in treating it, starting her on several rounds of chemotherapy.

Just before the holidays, Quinn completed her fifth and final chemotherapy treatment. She continues to fight her cancer, and her family is hopeful of many more months to make new memories.

Thankfully, Quinn’s family qualified for financial assistance through a generous grant from the Blue Buffalo Foundation’s support of the Petco Foundation pet cancer treatment program at the UC Davis veterinary hospital. The grant helps support treatments for domestic companion animals suffering from cancer. The project is designed to support pet parents of modest means or pet parents whose pets provide a service to others.

“I want to extend a heartful thank you to Blue Buffalo and the Petco Foundations for offering financial assistance for dogs with cancer,” said Kristine. “Through their financial assistance and professional support, I have cherished time with her. And I also can’t thank the Emergency Room and Oncology Service enough for their professionalism and compassion for us dog owners who would not know what to do or how to react without their guidance and support.”

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