Dr. Allison O'Donnell is familiar with the UC Davis veterinary hospital, having received her veterinary degree from the school in 2023. Unfortunately, she and fiancé Matt Cardinale had to experience the hospital as clients recently when their dog Squid, a 5-year-old female husky/terrier mix, was trapped in a house fire and suffered carbon monoxide poisoning.
Across much of the United States, spring is in full force. With warmer weather, people are taking their furry family members out on longer walks and spending more time outside. Alongside blooming flowers and trees, your pet might run into a small, unassuming grass seed pod known as a foxtail. Despite the cute name, foxtails can pose a major threat to your pet’s health.
Hunter, a 9-year-old cocker spaniel, lives a great life with his owners Brian Boitano and Franc D’Ambrosio. But when D’Ambrosio noticed an abnormality while performing a routine anal sac expression, they took Hunter to their veterinarian who diagnosed apocrine gland anal sac adenocarcinoma (AGASACA). While AGASACA represents 17% of all perianal tumors in dogs, it only makes up 2% of all canine skin tumors.
Scout, a 7-month-old female miniature Dachshund, had a rough start to her life in Anchorage, Alaska, where she lives with her littermate brother Finn, and another miniature Dachshund, 2-year-old Leroy, along with her owners, Karen and Gene Richardson. By the age of 3 months, it was discovered that Scout was born with incorrect blood vessel connections leading to her liver.
The UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital has expanded its Orthopedic Surgery Service to open the Advanced Veterinary Surgery Center. Modeled after human health inpatient/outpatient facilities, the center provides advanced surgical capabilities for animals suffering from injuries or disorders of the bones and joints, while increasing case volume and training capacity.
Noodle, a 3-year-old male poodle mix, is the second patient ever to have percutaneous stone removal surgery, and the first without initial lithotripsy.
While the UC Davis veterinary hospital has yet to see any patients for a mysterious canine respiratory illness spreading nationwide, veterinarians throughout the country are working collaboratively to determine exactly what may be causing the numerous illnesses.
Jack, a 10-year-old Jack Russell terrier/Chihuahua mix, was enjoying his family’s rural property in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains when he was bitten on the face by a rattlesnake. Thankfully, owner Andrea Colbert witnessed the attack and took immediate action.