Jaimie Brown - Costa Rica

Jaimie Brown

I had the privilege of volunteering for two and a half weeks at the NATUWA Wildlife Sanctuary in Puntarenas, Costa Rica over the summer of 2023. This was my first international travel experience, and it was an extraordinary experience for several reasons. From the food, to the beautiful scenery and getting to share in the commitment to caring for and protecting the country’s wildlife.

As an aspiring zoo veterinarian, volunteering at NATUWA was an invaluable experience. The experience I gained was very practical as everyday I got to accompany the veterinarian and learn important aspects of providing care for captive wildlife species as well as take part in the conservation efforts of the sanctuary. I learned the importance of becoming well acquainted with the normal behaviors of the different animals and being highly attentive for changes in behavior which can be indicative of illness or other issues that need to be addressed. The veterinarian taught us the proper handling, restraint and methods of performing diagnostic tests for several of the animals including macaws, two-toed sloths, tapirs, and jaguars. We learned to assess clinical cases and weigh the pros and cons of anesthetizing wild animals in order to determine the best diagnostic and treatment plan. Additionally, I participated in two necropsies during my stay, one of which was for a spider monkey. This case was very interesting because it allowed me the opportunity to apply the knowledge I have gained in vet school so far to a species I had no prior experience with, and the procedure was utilized to determine the likely cause of death and informed necessary actions which needed to be taken to improve care for the other spider monkeys living at the sanctuary.

Jaimie Brown
Jaimie Brown

Other important aspects of the animal’s care which we participated in were providing enrichment activities for several species as well as assisting with preparing their diets. The sanctuary is open to guests and works to improve the housing and management of all the animals housed on site to provide them the best possible care. Overall, the staff aim to provide high quality care with limited resources available and provide an excellent learning experience for every volunteer.

One of my favorite aspects of this experience was getting to work and connect with the other volunteers who were from different countries all over the globe. Connecting with the other volunteers through playing card games was very special; teaching each other new games and getting to have fun together after a long day of work really left me with the impression that there’s far more that is similar about people than is different. The broad strokes are the same; we love food, music, spending time with one another and playing games and even better we can share and enjoy each other’s unique cultural differences together.

Jaimie Brown

I appreciated the beauty of the country most as I reflected on my experience in the airplane as I was departing; taking everything in from thousands of feet above Costa Rica I knew that I had gained far more from this experience than I ever could have imagined. Now, I am intent on pursuing future opportunities to work with and learn from international colleagues.

Jaimie Brown